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Online Learning Tips and Strategies

edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Like any type of learning, online learning doesn't just magically happen. As an online learner, there are some strategies that you can use to help ensure your success.

  1. Get familiar with the technology. Click on links, try things out, experiment a little. Even though it isn't a physical space, you can still find out where things are and how they work. Go through all the pages in the toolkit.
  2. Ask questions. Asking is key to learning. Ask the facilitator and fellow participants. Remember, you are not alone!
  3. Share any tips or tricks that work for you. You are probably not the only one in your course who is new to online learning. If you notice that there is an effective way to navigate, for example, share it with your fellow participants and with the course facilitator.
  4. Manage your time. Log on to the Kuppiya.LK regularly and monitor discussions, comments & others questions in the forums.
  5. Remember that you are actually learning a number of things. Not only are you learning about a topic, you are probably also learning about technology and new ways to use your computer, the Internet, your mobile phone and more. Reflect on your learning in the weekly discussion forums.
  6. Put your best self forward. Online learning is communal and collaborative. Edit your profile to introduce yourself and share your interests. Chat with your friends in the forum.
  7. Take responsibility for your own learning. While you can (and should) ask questions and ask for help, ultimately it is up to you to succeed. You are responsible for your own time management and for ensuring that you have the appropriate hardware and software and can use it effectively.
  8. If Internet connectivity is a problem, prepare your contributions offline and then copy/paste into the forums.
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